Early in my journey and as a first step in healing and improving my overall well-being, I found focusing my attention on my energy flow very important. That meant putting my attention toward my physical, mental, and spiritual health. Three daily practices I found supportive in shifting my attention to my overall well-being were to […]
Attitude is a result of energy in motion or emotion and the energy in motion is thought in motion. There are many attitude expressions simply because there are many emotional feelings. Emotion, as we experience within our body, is only experienced as such within our body. Therefore, the multitude of the emotions we experience within our body […]
Blame Blaming is a very human behavior. Blaming is an extremely dis-empowering behavior which denies us growth possibilities. Some of the characteristics of personal growth include self-awareness, self-assessment, self-correction and self-direction. However, when we indulge in blame behavior, we avoid the first, and one of the most, crucial steps of personal evolution, self-assessment. What happens when […]
I wanted to share a few words about Chomper, my best friend. Even though we have only been together for 8 years, he has been so instrumental in my personal growth that he deserves the highest recognition. He has always been there for me even when my attitude is less than desirable, he never judges, […]
What is a Mindset? Stanford psychologist Carol Dweck PhD describes our thinking patterns as “mindsets”. She defines two different kinds of mindsets: fixed mindset and growth mindset. A fixed mindset does not allow for change. It is a mindset that is focused on judging and creates a negative internal dialogue riddled with blame and self-defeating language. “It’s his […]